Boys Lacrosse
The team is focused on skill development and fostering a love for the game.
- There will be two practices each week
- Mandatory to attend 1 practice per week to play in Sundays game
- Minimum of 8 league games
- End of season MYL Jamboree in June.
We do not supply equipment, but it can be purchased at a local lacrosse store or sports store.
Safety Requirement: Effective January 1, 2022 Shoulder Pads must meet the NOCSAE ND200 requirement. Product compliance with ND200 reduces impact forces and thus the risk of commotio cordi (cardiac arrest) due to a blow to the heart area.
The boys will need the following equipment;
- Helmet
- Mouth guard
- Shoulder pads
- Gloves
- Elbow pads
- Athletic cup
- Lacrosse stick.
Uniform Jersey is required however the the uniform shorts are optional. These can be purchased during the spring registration process.
2025 Game Dates: (pending)
K/2 |
Donald O’Rielly |
3/4 | Ryan Townsend | |
5/6 |
Chris Schulz |
7/8 |
Amanda Quirk |